Choice 24
The future of Saxony
is in your hands!

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The future of Saxony lies
in your hands

Join in for more cohesion and confidence

The year 2024 promises to be an exciting time full of democratic decisions, with local elections, European elections and state elections just around the corner. Our aim is to encourage citizens in the Free State of Saxony to participate in these important democratic processes and to actively exercise their right to vote.

We address a broad target group, ranging from company managers and executives to employees. Our aim is to emphasize the link between democracy, economic prosperity, peace and freedom. In addition, we want to show positive visions for the future of Saxony and strengthen commitment and social cohesion.

We cordially invite you to participate in our “statement spots” for open-minded and democratic coexistence! If you, like us, recognize the importance of signs and impulses for an open and democratic society and would like to actively promote these values, we cordially invite you to become part of our campaign.

Would you like to get involved in this inspiring project as an individual or your company? Do not hesitate, contact with us!

We look forward to working with you to make a contribution to a better world. #ichstehaufausWAHL

Robert Czajkowski

Sprecher des Vorstandes

Statement spots

Robert W. Czajkowski

Managing Director of Terrot Textilmaschinen GmbH
Chairman of the Board of Wirtschaft für ein Weltoffenes Sachsen e.V.

As an employer from Saxony, we are called upon to take a clear stance on the key issues of our time vis-à-vis our international business partners, employees and the local public. For me, responsibility, openness and tolerance are part of freedom, democracy and prosperity.

Sebastian Krumbiegel

Leipzig singer and frontman of the band Die Prinzen

Sebastian Krumbiegel is actively committed to democracy and civil courage. His book Courage – why a life with attitude is good for you was published in 2017. The hit “Democracy is female” was created in 2019. “She’s a cool lady and she deserves that we care about her and sing about her…”, says Krumbiegel.

Michaela Koschak

Leipzig weather presenter

What is the meaning of life? Be happy! What are the prerequisites for this? Listen to the wake-up call from the freelance meteorologist for MDR, NDR, RBB and ARD for the magazine “Brisant”, Michaela Koschak. Why we need to take action now.

Dr. Jacqueline Schönfelder

VP & Site Director GSK Dresden
Board of Directors Wirtschaft für ein Weltoffenes Sachsen e.V.

Democratic governments show a better level of health. However, it takes our commitment and our community to strengthen and defend democracy as the basis of our prosperity.

Laura Ziegler

Manager Public Relations at Sunfire GmbH in Dresden

Laura Ziegler hopes that we can get back into conversation with each other, in an exchange that helps us move forward and allows for other opinions. There are no easy answers to any of the current challenges.

Dirk Röhrborn

Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Silicon Saxony industry association
Member of the Executive Committee of the digital association Bitkom

“There are no simple answers to complex questions.” But what is needed is trust. Customers need reliability, investors need planning security. And the people, regardless of their origin, who want to live and work here need the confidence that they are really welcome here. This trust is based on our democracy. Without democracy, without the rule of law, without Europe, there will be neither freedom nor prosperity for all of us here in Saxony. We still enjoy great trust all over the world.

Frank Rosberger

FR in-change

Our member, Frank Rosberger, is also a member of the Saxony state board of Mehr Demokratie e.V. “Social cohesion is one of the most important pillars of democracy, and we need to strengthen it right now”.

Take part now!